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Sacred Nourishment Program  

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Add a paragraph here with a preview of what they will get. A good teaser/overview 


Here are the rules if you want to partake (and yes we are doing this over a weekend, so make sure your committed):

  • Nothing overly PROCESSED (No cookies, breads, crackers, ice cream, candy, chips, you know.... all the stuff you might have eaten over July 4th weekend).

  • If it contains added sugar, AVOID IT. Start reading labels. There is so much sugar hidden if you don't start watching out for it. Try to even go without honey or agave.

  • All Green or cruciferous Veggies UNLIMITED

  • Fresh Berries are ok (high in fiber and lower in glycemic index): limit to 2 servings per day (3/4-1 cup each serving)

Citrus Fruits
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